The Berkeley Democratic Caucus is basically a fake “organization” created about 6 years ago to confuse Berkeley voters.

They’re trying to confuse voters into thinking they are the 88 years old Berkeley Democratic Club. But they accidentally stole the name of a different organization that was active in Berkeley 50 years ago. But that’s not the only thing they stole!

This is the logo for the real Berkeley Democratic Club (this is their website:

This is the logo for the fake “Berkeley Democratic Caucus” (no real website!)

Uncanny, don’t you think? Imitation may be the highest form of flattery, but when you do it to confuse voters it’s also extremely unethical! (and maybe illegal?)

This “Caucus” says they do endorsements. But who are its members? Where and when does it meet? How do you join? How do candidates get in touch? It’s all a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

I’d tell you to go access their website but in 6 years they haven’t gotten around to making a real one. Unless you count this little nub of a blog they haven’t updated in 6 years. They couldn’t even be bothered to claim this internet address! I guess because they were busy stealing a name and a logo and printing them on campaign mailers.

They had a so-called membership meeting in September. Well too bad basically no one heard about it since the only places they posted about it were on their 5 follower Twitter and their 6 follower FaceBook page:

Maybe you were confused because there is a second Berkeley Democratic Caucus FaceBook with 91 followers. Except this event didn’t get posted there? I wonder why. Maybe the organization is so organized that they lost the password to their first FaceBook? That would explain why the most recent post was last year.

They also claim to have had a candidate forum. Well that’s swell but guess what? THEY DIDN’T PUBLICIZE IT UNTIL AFTER IT HAD HAPPENED! Yeah, no Facebook or Twitter announcement before they had the meeting where they “decided” who to “endorse.”

Trying to confuse voters is wrong. It’s what conservatives do. It’s not what progressives should do!

No transparency. No accountability. Don’t trust the “Berkeley Democratic Caucus”